Finexus to enable bill-splitting Leasy App on its platform

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KUALA LUMPUR: Finexus is enabling bill-splitting Leasy App on its MyXaaS Innovation Platform with up to RM500,000 funding from Payment Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet).

Leasy App has been selected by Finexus as one of the six most promising fintech start-up finalists at PayNet’s inaugural FinTech ePayments Accelerator Programme in August.

PayNey director of retail payment services Khairuan Abdul Rahman said PayNet builds and maintains an inclusive digital payment system that is accessible to all.

“The FinTech ePayments Accelerator Programme has been designed for our ecosystem participants like Finexus to help nurture and grow promising fintechs in solving known pains by leveraging on our payments platform in new and innovative ways.

“The Leasy App’s innovative bill machine-reading technology that integrates DuitNow Request for bill splitting has the potential of solving known problems and ultimately improving the user experience for Malaysians,” he said.

As part of the agreement, Finexus will be enabling bill-splitting Leasy App to access both its DuitNow Request and eWallet services on MyXaaS Innovation Platform.

“We look forward to accelerate the commercialisation of Leasy App with our ready and proven MyXaaS Innovation Platform without the heavy lifting of compliance, licensing and millions of investments on their part.

“Hence, start-ups can now ride on what we have built for over 20 years as our MyXaaS partner. Not only that, to bring their applications to live with the help of our experienced in-house compliance and software engineers at our MyXaaS Innovation Centre,” Finexus group chief executive officer said Clement Loh. 

To enjoy the full spectrum of benefits as a MyXaaS partner, Leasy creators will be spending most of their time building their app at Finexus’ recently dedicated ground and fourth floor of its RM30 million worth eight-floor Finexus Towers to incubate technology startups.

The 8,000 square feet boasts a wide-open work space, event space, meeting rooms, gardens, surau and free flow of food and drinks for all start-ups to come and create a conducive techno habitat.



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获PayNet公司50万 Finexus平台启用Leasy

(吉隆坡6日讯)科技金融服务提供商Finexus集团宣布,具有账单拆分功能的 Leasy应用程式将通过大马 付网有限公司(PayNet)提供高达50万令吉的资 金,于MyXaaS Innovation平台上正式启用。 FINEXUS集团在文告指出,Leasy应用程式于今年8月在PayNet的首届金融科技电子支付加速器计划中 Finexus选为其中6家最有前途的金融科技初创企业决赛入围者之一。PayNet零售支付服务董事凯鲁安指出,Leasy应用程式的创新账单机器阅读理解技术与DuitNow Request结合,用于进行账单拆分并大致解决已知的问题,最终改善大马人的用户体验。 MyXaaS Innovation平台是一个专门为初创企业打造的软件铸造厂,可利用已有的应用程式介面(API)快速构建他们梦想中的应用程序。Finexus集团总执行长罗宝儿也希望,能通过现成且已验证的MyXaaS Innovation平台加速Leasy应用程式的商业化,从而无需经历繁琐的过程获取符合的监管许可、复杂合规要求认证以及数百万投资收益。 Visit:获paynet公司50万-finexus平台启用leasy/

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FINEXUS 与其 MyXaaS Innovation Platform中的账单拆分应用程序签署协议,并从 PayNet 获得高达 500,000 令吉的资金

Finexus 将通过 Payment Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet) 提供高达 500,000 令吉的资金,用于 MyXaaS Innovation Platform上启用账单拆分功能的Leasy App。 Leasy App于今年8月在 PayNet 的首届Fintech ePayments Accelerator Programme中被Finexus 选为其中六家最有前途的金融科技初创企业决赛入围者之一。 “对其令人鼓舞的发展,我们感到万分高兴。 与

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