The Digital Penang Fintech Hackathon is offering RM75,000 in prizes for winners

Programmer working on code on a MacBook connected to multiple monitors.

If you’ve ever wanted to build your own fintech solution, here’s your chance to do so and win some prizes too. Digital Penang, an agency under the Penang State govt, is partnering up with TNG Digital and the Finexus Group to bring to you their first ever hackathon event.

This hackathon event will offer up to RM75,000 in prizes and you can sign up for it from now till the 5th of November. The actual event itself will happen from the 12th of November onwards till the 10th of December. As for what participants will be up to, they’ll use one of the 40 MyXaaS APIs on Finexus’ MyXaaS Innovation Platform to create a fintech digital product, which will include stuff like eWallets, automated background checking and credit scoring, eCommerce merchant plug-ins as well as provide technical guidance and advisory.

The MyXaaS Innovation Platform being used for the Digital Penang Hackathon is a new platform that offers infrastructure, software and finance as a service. It caters to startup and mid-sized companies to help accelerate and further develop their digital business ideas. Their APIs will also be part of the prize pool, as you’ll get credit which can then be used for APIs on the MyXaaS Innovation Platform.

The prize pool will be as follows:

  • Champion: RM20,000 in API Credits and RM10,000 in cash
  • First runner-up: RM10,000 in API Credits and RM5,000 in cash
  • Second runner-up: RM6,000 in API Credits and RM3,000 in cash
  • 7x Consolation: RM2,000 in API Credits and RM1,000 in cash


Winners will be selected based on how innovative and viable their digital products are, as well as its business viability. On top of the prizes listed above, they’ll also be eligible to be fast-tracked into a Finexus partnership program and Digital Penang’s Basic Living Entrepreneurship Support Scheme that’ll get you a six-month stipend to grow your business idea.



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(吉隆坡6日讯)科技金融服务提供商Finexus集团宣布,具有账单拆分功能的 Leasy应用程式将通过大马 付网有限公司(PayNet)提供高达50万令吉的资 金,于MyXaaS Innovation平台上正式启用。 FINEXUS集团在文告指出,Leasy应用程式于今年8月在PayNet的首届金融科技电子支付加速器计划中 Finexus选为其中6家最有前途的金融科技初创企业决赛入围者之一。PayNet零售支付服务董事凯鲁安指出,Leasy应用程式的创新账单机器阅读理解技术与DuitNow Request结合,用于进行账单拆分并大致解决已知的问题,最终改善大马人的用户体验。 MyXaaS Innovation平台是一个专门为初创企业打造的软件铸造厂,可利用已有的应用程式介面(API)快速构建他们梦想中的应用程序。Finexus集团总执行长罗宝儿也希望,能通过现成且已验证的MyXaaS Innovation平台加速Leasy应用程式的商业化,从而无需经历繁琐的过程获取符合的监管许可、复杂合规要求认证以及数百万投资收益。 Visit:获paynet公司50万-finexus平台启用leasy/

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